Living with the Himalayan Masters – Swami Rama
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“I will tell you how I grew up and how I was trained, about the great sages with whom I lived and what they taught me, not through lectures and books but through experiences,” writes Sri Swami Rama in the opening pages of this timeless saga. These stories record his personal quest for truth and enlightenment. Inspiring, illuminating, entertaining, mystifying, and frequently humorous, they bring you face-to-face with the great Himalayan Masters, including: Mataji of Assam, a ninety-six-year-old sage who never slept; Gudari Baba, who taught Swami Rama the value of direct experience; Yogi Sri Aurobindo, who integrated meditation with action; Uria Baba, who teaches that every human being has a potential for healing; Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation.
rī Swāmī Rāma (1925 –– 1996) was an Indian yógī. He is known for being one of the first yogis to allow himself to be studied by Western scientists. In the 1960s he allowed himself to be examined by scientists at the Menninger Clinic who studied his ability to voluntarily control bodily processes (such as heartbeat, blood pressure, and body temperature) that are normally considered to be non-voluntary
From the forward by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Spiritual books, especially those of an autobiographical nature, often give the impression that the experiences and spiritual achievements of the masters are beyond our reach. Swamiji, however, puts miracles and mysticism in an entirely different light. Reading it, we feel that he is one of us. He is a young boy, full of mischief. He is a teenager, full of curiosity and adventurous zeal. He is a seeker, with certain strengths and weaknesses. Just like us, he sometimes fails to distingusih the fakes from genuine masters, mistaking magic for spiritual achievement. At one time, for example, attracted by the magical power and glamorous life of sorcerers and low-grade tantrics, he even considers abandoning his master for another teacher. His human traits are so familiar to us that in reading about them his journey becomes our journey.
The stories in this book infuse our hearts with overwhelming gratitude for the sages who selflessly share their boundless love and yet remain unrecognized by the multitude. Swamiji is one of them. While he lives among us he lectured, wrote books, and established large charitable organizations, but very few of us perceived his spiritual stature. In the last phase of his life those who were near to him and had “eyes to see” came to know that Swamiji was master of every esoteric practice he mentions in this book, but they never knew how and when he practiced them.
Living with Himalayan Mastershas its own spirit. I have read and pondered over it countless times. And each time I have found something new, something that was just what I needed at that level of my development. The book speaks to each reader at the personal level. I must not try to tell you what I think it is about, because by doing so I might put a veil between you and its message. In these pages you will experience Swamiji’s presence and the presence of other great masters. May you bask in their grace and receive just what you need.
“One of the great spiritual classics of all time. An insider’s view of hidden adepts who live outside tim and space as we know it, yogis and yoginis who can’t possible exist–but do!”
-Linda Johnsen, author of The Living Goddess: Reclaiming the Tradition of the Mother of the Universe
Buy this book for yourself. Each page is filled with joy and cheer. What I like best is that Swami Rama‰۪s message does not require us to transform ourselves, it teaches that we are already perfect.
Judith Benn Hurley, author of The Good Herb, Savoring the Day, and Healing Secrets of the Seasons
“This beautifully written book is about freedom in its ultimate sense, highly recommended for its ephemeral wisdom and endless depth.”
Napra Review
A complete and practical guide to the foundations of the spiritual journey … The vividness of the stories is absorbing, allowing them to be read over and over again.
New Age Book Review
Table of Contents:
Introduction by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
At Thy Lotus Feet- Sri Swami Rama
Map of Northern India
Map of Uttar Pradesh
I. Spiritual Education in the Himalayas
II. The Master Teaches
III. The Path of Direct Experience
IV. Learning Humility
V. Conquering Fear
VI. The Path of Renunciation
VII. Experiences on Various Paths
VIII. Beyond the Great Religions
IX. Divine Protection
X. Powers of the Mind
XI. Healing Power
XII. Grace of the Master
XIII. Mastery over Life and Death
XIV. Journey to the West
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